We work with the experience of 40 years of successful development. Working with us and the Appin name means…

Setting a standard: Building beautiful

In 2018 a survey by one the UK’s leading planning policy advisors found that only one in 10 people thought that new homes were currently being built with good design and style. We are committed to creating homes that appeal though their use of traditional craftsmanship and local materials. Often, our homes set the standard for housing that follows, meaning an attention to detail, to quality features like slate tiled roofs, traditionally made sash windows not mock ones, wooden painted front doors as opposed to those made from composite. All these constituent parts combine to produce a build that fuses style and substance. In this, we lead by example.


Relationships: Those that last

Appin was founded in 1977, so too our professional network, relationships we’ve forged and nurtured for over four decades. Building trades, planners, engineers, consultants, County Highways, local councils, environment agencies, wildlife organisations, utility providers, botanists and landscapers, the collective knowledge required for successful development is vast. And it’s a collective knowledge we can call upon instantly. A collective knowledge that enables us to deliver, to get everyone together around the same table to drive a project and make it happen. We remain, more than 40 years after our founding, a family run company, our commitment to building beautiful developments that work for communities, steadfast.

Community: Building beautiful

We understand the tension that new housing can create in and on a community, the need to balance the chronic shortage of quality, affordable homes with the impact on established ways of life and local resources. We are sensitive to concerns over infrastructure be it the pressure on local schools, healthcare provision and other public services. Such concerns are always at the forefront of our thinking in the planning and development of schemes to ensure they are sustainable. A thinking that has won us multiple awards, including from the Department for the Environment itself.


A national pride: Committed to delivering homes for all

Development is complicated. Often fraught with obstacles and somewhere along the line, be it a dream house on Grand Designs or a Garden Village, there is always a compromise – a difficult decision to be made. At Appin we don’t believe in compromising on the things that are important, on the principles that guide the work we do. We’ve learnt that with persistence you can overcome these obstacles, find new solutions to deliver on the plans you presented. For every naysayer and NIMBY, we remember that throughout the last 100 years, creating new towns and communities was pivotal to Britain’s tradition, the promise of a better quality of life. Although the 21st century may present new challenges, one thing remains constant, a commitment to build better homes and public spaces, the things good folk dream of.